Tell us about your current involvement with children and youth at risk to poverty. If your Methodist church or agency is serving children and youth at risk to poverty, tell us about these ministries so that others might benefit from your experience and wisdom. Testimony is a Christian practice that inspires others on their journey.
Please send a brief description (two pages or less) of your church or agency’s ministries to children/youth at risk to poverty. How are church members involved? What gives you joy about this work? And provide contact information (name, address, telephone number, email address, website) to be posted with your description on the Campaign’s website in case someone wants to learn more about the ministry.
Help this “Be Involved” page to be a growing resource for those joining the Campaign. Over the coming weeks, we hope to see a dramatic increase in the listing of ministries to children/youth in poverty. Your contribution will help this to be a reality. Send your descriptions to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..Tell others about the Campaign. Ask about their ministries to children/youth in poverty. Are churches of your district and annual conference being encouraged to be in ministry to children/youth at risk to poverty? If yes, tell us about these district and/or annual conference initiatives. If no, begin to talk about the Campaign with members of your district and/or annual conference.
Provide your contact information. We want to stay in touch about the Campaign and opportunities to care for children and youth in poverty. Please complete the form here. This information is for Campaign use only. It will not be given to another organization. If you would like to receive only our email updates, you can subscribe with the link on any page -- and unsubscribe whenever you wish.