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CMEs Making a Difference for Children in Arkansas

Nov 2014: Most of the ministries of the St. Luke Christian Methodist Episcopal Church in Ozan, Arkansas are centered on the needs of children. We have a back to school funfest day every Labor Day on the church ground. On this day we serve food, supply articles of clothing and give out school supplies to children in our community and the surrounding area.

We help children affected by domestic violence by supplying clothing to the domestic violence shelter. The articles supplied were caps, scarfs, gloves and socks. The list changes according to what the shelter needs at the time.  At Christmas time we started an adopt-a-family project where we fill the children’s wish as well as buying clothes and shoes that are needed. Many of the members along with our pastor participated in each of these efforts. We take these ministries seriously and we will continue to add others.

Last year when we did the adopt-a-family at Christmas project we chose a single mom and her daughter. The mother had suffered a heart attack earlier in the year and was unable to return to her job. We had her and her daughter, who was eight years old, to make out a list of things they needed and then a list of some of the things they desired. The pastor, her spouse and several of the members all made their wishes come true, while getting everything needed by both mother and daughter including a bicycle for the daughter. Each member chose an item from the list they could afford to buy, wrapped it and we presented everything to them the third week in December. We were all so excited about working together and spreading joy at Christmas Time.

St. Luke CME Church

Rev. Anretha Walker, Pastor

Sis. Helen Armstrong, CYF President