[Aug 2014] In the Albemarle Annual Conference (AMEZ Church, North Carolina) several meetings were held to inform the Districts of the Campaign’s history and objectives, and to encourage churches to be active in caring for children in poverty. The Conference’s Campaign Committee along with Presiding Elder Theadore Headen met with over 20 Pastors and laity to facilitate discussions on identifying the children who could benefit from the intervention of the Pan-Methodist Campaign’s target population of children in all Albemarle Conference area counties.
It was surprising to learn that many of our churches (AMEZ) have always been involved in ministry to children in poverty and now many more are encouraged and motivated to become involved.
The recent events in the news motivated congregations. The motivating events in this area were the glitch in the new food stamp system causing thousands of applications to remain unprocessed and a delay in Medicaid assistance. We had a child care facility to close without notice leaving children and families without childcare while waiting for refunds to be issued. A women's and children's homeless shelter was closed due to lack of funding.
Several congregations were identified as being involved already in ministry to children in poverty. Their annual activities include: providing school supplies and back pack give away, food pantries, clothes closets, a campaign against bullying provided by local sheriff's department, and offering cookouts and vacation Bible school with dinner.
Churches that have ministries to families and children are:
Mt. Lebanon | New McBride | Center Chapel |
Wilson Grove | Good Hope | St. Paul |
Leigh’s Temple | Kadesh | St. James |
Ebenezer |
Currituck County Schools and Perquimans County Schools are already dispensing backpacks for food items to children for weekends. Three churches in the Elizabeth City District held a Children’s Sabbath during this conference year. They were:
- Leigh’s Temple AME Zion - The messenger was Pastor Charlie Bowe. His message to the children was from II Samuel 18:1-5; 24-33 “ The News We Want To Hear”
- Wilson Grove AME Zion Church – The messenger was Pastor Linda Jordan. Her message to the children was from Luke 18:-8, “When Whining Is Wonderful”.
- New McBride AME Zion Church – The messenger was Sister Barbara Walker. Her subject was “Who Are You Trying To Impress?” The Pastor is The Rev. Tavonda Jordan-Fields.
Future Goals:
- To develop opportunities for all churches in the Albemarle Conference to put their “Faith in Action”.
- To regularly donate to the Albemarle Food Bank especially during summer months.
- To support family shelters, Albemarle Hopeline, Kids First, and other places where children and families utilize those services.
- To make sure all children have food and support during the summer months.
- To continue services that are already in place.
The Committee:
Rev. Carolyn C. Eason - Conference Liaison
Rev. Linda Jordan - Elizabeth City District
Sister Alice Stallings - Elizabeth City District
Rev. Gladys Griffin - Edenton District
Sister April Valentine - Edenton District