The Health Fair focused on health and community needs. It provided free blood pressure checks, free health/eating tips, free food, free health counseling, free clothes, and free access to Health Department resources. The Spiritual Fair provided spiritual food via the use of four dramatically decorated rooms: (1) LIFE (drugs, alcohol, money, greed etc.), (2) HELL (3-5 min video on hell and its realness), (3) HEAVEN (3-5 min video on heaven and its realness, (4) SPIRITUAL COUNSELING (free ministerial counseling was provided by Rev. Walter James Whelchel III who offered salvation counseling, prayer, words of comfort, etc.). Bro. Gary Cole provided his life’s testimony for our LIFE room. All who came to serve as well as those who came to be served were tremendously blessed.
Ladies of the Cross is a women’s book club that became a mission group while meeting to read The Bait of Satan: Living Free from the Deadly Trap of Offense by John Bevere. Ms. Hilda Stuckey, Elberton/Gainesville District Director of the Pan-Methodist Campaign for Children in Poverty asked the group to consider the goals of the Campaign for Children in Poverty when planning their ministries. The mission group is asking for donations such as clothes, bibles, toothbrushes, toilet paper, diapers, non-perishable items etc. to continue helping those in need physically and spiritually, and supporting the campaign for children in poverty.
Please feel free to contact Rhonda Whelchel-678-936-4712 and Dr. Michelle (Morris) Patterson-706-335-2777 for upcoming meetings, missions, and for donations. Rev. Walter James Whelchel, III, is the pastor of Melvin Hill CME Church
Submitted by Ms. Hilda Stuckey, Liaison for the Elberton/Gainesville District of the North Georgia Region, CME Church.